지극히 개인적인/감성

I have to say something, but i can't. so....

임상심리전문가 최효주 2009. 12. 28. 23:22

i've got married since last year, and i've lived with his parents.

when we decided our marriage, he and I thought it is natural for his parents live with us.

He even say to me, if you don't want to live my parents, i can't get married to you.

yes, he did.

yes, we did.

however, we regret having done such a thing.

I left my parents, and now i am free and independent state. But he isn't. He still belongs to his parents.

He can't get free.

when i was a single, i lived with my family. At that time, i feel angry very easy because father and mother and sister.

they make me angry even though it's very little thing.

we had a big fight usually.

but now, our marriage led me to depart from them, i am free and easy for them.

now, i don't feel angry or irritable no more for their doing.

but He does.

he still is irritable for his mother and father.

so, he think "independence" from parents, sincerely.

In Korea, most of the Sons think it is their duty to support their parents.

and some guys would have dream having happy life with parents and his wife!

and some guys would be proud of himself and his wife to support his parents.

my husband had a same dream, like this.

but he doesn't, now.

nowadays, he and I dream "independent".

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